The Session
The governance in a Presbyterian congregation rests with Ruling Elders. They are elected by fellow members to discern God’s will for ministries of the church family, and to put in place policies and programs to achieve it. When they gather to meet, they contsitute what is called The Session.
At their December 2020 meeting, The Session of Westminster Presbyterian Church: Piqua, making use of reports and recommendations from two Session-appointed subgroups, agreed to organize itself around three areas of focus in its work, going forward.
The first area is:
At their December 2020 meeting, The Session of Westminster Presbyterian Church: Piqua, making use of reports and recommendations from two Session-appointed subgroups, agreed to organize itself around three areas of focus in its work, going forward.
The first area is:
"Re-engagement of in-active WPC members and a concerted effort to attract new members"
Ruling Elder Lorrie Duer is currently spear-heading this area of service.
Here’s an update on what they are doing:
A discussion group formed in February 2021 has:
Researched ways to bring the congregation together after COVID 19
restrictions are lifted.
Explored ways for God’s people to come together and unite in a purpose of
Designed a plan to move WPC forward in the ministry to others.
Small groups are forming this month with session and deacon members to discuss faith and purpose within our church. More groups will be formed later this summer.
Linda and Lorrie welcome your ideas! Join them in upcoming activities to strengthen and grow the Westminster church family!
Here are their contact details:
Lorrie can be reached at: [email protected]
Linda can be reached at: [email protected]
The second area of focus is:
Here’s an update on what they are doing:
A discussion group formed in February 2021 has:
Researched ways to bring the congregation together after COVID 19
restrictions are lifted.
Explored ways for God’s people to come together and unite in a purpose of
Designed a plan to move WPC forward in the ministry to others.
Small groups are forming this month with session and deacon members to discuss faith and purpose within our church. More groups will be formed later this summer.
Linda and Lorrie welcome your ideas! Join them in upcoming activities to strengthen and grow the Westminster church family!
Here are their contact details:
Lorrie can be reached at: [email protected]
Linda can be reached at: [email protected]
The second area of focus is:
"Discerning and deciding upon ministries that define WPC and draw member participation"
Ruling Elders Beth Kazer and Larry Grabo are currently heading up this area of service. Here’s an update on what they are doing—and have planned for the future:
We are delighted to offer the return of Fellowship Hour after worship, which follows the 10:30 a.m. worship.
God's Table continues to offer our neighbors a delicious hot meal the third Saturday of each month.
Beth and Larry welcome your ideas! Ready to roll up your sleeves and help with our God’s Table ministry, for instance?
Here are their contact details:
Beth can be reached at: [email protected]
Larry can be reached at: [email protected]
The third area of focus is:
We are delighted to offer the return of Fellowship Hour after worship, which follows the 10:30 a.m. worship.
God's Table continues to offer our neighbors a delicious hot meal the third Saturday of each month.
Beth and Larry welcome your ideas! Ready to roll up your sleeves and help with our God’s Table ministry, for instance?
Here are their contact details:
Beth can be reached at: [email protected]
Larry can be reached at: [email protected]
The third area of focus is:
"Maintaining good stewardship of the financial--and physical--resources of WPC"
Ruling Elders Randy Copsey (left) and Mike Cox are now heading up this area of service.
Randy is grateful for volunteers who have stepped up to help keep our facility clean, especially Larry Grabo. He would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to offer their time and energy to this task!
Mike is delighted to report that our budget is being met!
Mike and Randy welcome your input, and welcome you to join with them in this vital aspect of the life of Westminster: Piqua!
Here are their contact details:
Randy can be reached at : [email protected]
Mike can be reached at: [email protected]
Randy is grateful for volunteers who have stepped up to help keep our facility clean, especially Larry Grabo. He would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to offer their time and energy to this task!
Mike is delighted to report that our budget is being met!
Mike and Randy welcome your input, and welcome you to join with them in this vital aspect of the life of Westminster: Piqua!
Here are their contact details:
Randy can be reached at : [email protected]
Mike can be reached at: [email protected]
The Clerk of Session for Westminster Presbyterian: Piqua is Dr. Julian Trevino.
As a life-long member of Westminster: Piqua, Dr. Julian Trevino adds a most valuable perspective to Session discernment, discussion, and decisions.
Dr. Trevino is Professor and Chair of Dermatology at Wright State University. He is also Director of the Dermatology Residency Program at Wright State. He also serves as Chief of the Division of Pediatric Dermatology at Dayton Children’s Hospital. We are most grateful for tremendous time and dedication Julian gives to his role as Session Clerk. |